Foods to eat and avoid for managing Parkinson’s
Parkinson’s is a progressive neurological disorder that mainly affects a person’s ability to move naturally and control common actions. It usually starts with gentle tremors noticeable in one hand and affects muscles, posture, balance, and automatic movements. Several Parkinson’s info options are available online in the form of infographics that illustrate the progression of the disease. The following changes in food intake are also recommended for patients along with medication and treatment.
Best foods for managing symptoms
Oily fish are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and compounds that can slow down the progression of the neurological disorder. Omega 3s can help counter nerve inflammation and improve the communication between neural pathways that are affected by the disease’s progression. Some foods rich in omega 3s can also boost cognitive function and help reduce the risk of dementia or confusion observed among some patients. Best sources of oily fish include anchovies , salmon , mackerel , sardines , herring , and even oysters . For people who do not consume seafood, fish oil supplements may also work. It is advisable to consult with the doctor to confirm the best options.
Fresh fruits
Fruits are a great source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. For example, bananas and oranges can naturally replenish the body’s vitamin B1 requirements. Different types of citrus fruit, mainly oranges , can replenish vitamin C for better health and immunity. Further, strawberries , blueberries , cranberries , cherries , raspberries , and even grapes are rich in antioxidants and must form part of the food regime. These fruits help counter the free radicals (unstable molecules) that cause oxidative stress and tissue degeneration. This has been linked to the progression of the disease. Nutritionists recommend a combination of antioxidant-rich foods that can certainly help keep these free radicals in check.
Fresh veggies
Green veggies, including beans , peas , broccoli , artichokes , spinach , kale ; colored veggies, like bell peppers ; and even beans, including navy beans , kidney beans , and black beans , are rich sources of vitamins B1, C, iron, and contain loads of antioxidants. Herbs like parsley and an assortment of healthy nuts loaded with essential fats must also make up a portion of the daily food intake.
Staying hydrated
Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
Foods to avoid
Saturated fats
Most foods that are found on the shelves of the supermarket are loaded with saturated fats. These foods are heavily processed and contain a lot of preservatives or additives that can affect metabolism. Fatty foods also have an adverse effect on cholesterol and blood pressure levels in the body. Such foods must be avoided, especially when treatment is underway.
Research suggests that some dairy products can impact the oxidation levels in the brain and can result in the worsening of symptoms. Calcium supplements can be used in place of regular milk , cheese , or yogurt .
If the symptoms start to progress inconsistently, one must not just rely on Parkinson’s info options available online. It is advisable to consult with a medical professional at the earliest to evaluate effective treatments.
Apart from including and excluding the above-listed foods from one’s regime, there are medications that can help manage Parkinson’s. One type of medication includes Catechol O-methyltransferase (COMT) inhibitors. Although the effectiveness of Carbidopa-levodopa therapy might decline with time, COMT inhibitors are known to prolong the treatment’s effectiveness. These are a few inhibitors to help manage Parkinson’s.
Opicapone (Ongentys)
The medication is available in capsules of 25 or 50 mg. Based on a doctor’s advice, a person can consume 50 mg by mouth once daily. Combination therapy with levodopa will help block the enzyme that breaks down dopamine.
Entacapone (Comtan)
Entacapone comes in 200 mg doses and must be taken about 4-8 times a day with each dose of levodopa. Even this medication is generally combined only with levodopa to treat motor fluctuations.
Tolcapone (Tasmar)
Tolcapone comes in doses of 100 mg and 200 mg. Its treatment method requires the consumption of a 100 mg to 200 mg dose 3 times a day. While it is used as a combination therapy with levodopa for motor fluctuations, it must only be used after earlier medications have failed. Also, if there are no positive changes within three weeks, the medication must be discontinued.
RYTARY (levodopa and carbidopa)
RYTARY comes in the form of extended-release capsules and contains levodopa with carbidopa. The prescribed composition may vary based on the severity of the symptoms. It helps ease motor symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease such as tremor, slowness, and stiffness. It also helps reduce the overall “off” time experienced by the patient, which means that they have control over their movements for a longer period of time.