Lower Back Pain and Its Causes
Lower back pain on the right side can be a sudden cause of concern for many people. The reasons for this pain can be many. However, most of the time, it is just caused by muscle pain because of your back getting hurt by some physical exercise or being stretched to the point of getting hurt. In such a case, the back pain will subside on its own, without you having to do anything. If the problem persists, you can apply an ointment or pain reliever cream or use sprays that are available in every local drug store. However, the main cause of back pain can be more serious or even life-threatening if not looked into. Kidney issues Apart from the kidneys, no other organ is located in that part of the body. If the problem is caused due to the kidney, it may not be just limited to urinary tract infections or kidney stones. While the former is easy to treat, the latter can be very painful but is still treatable with good outcomes. Kidney infections are also a common cause of pain in the kidneys, and, by extension, it can also lead to back pain, on the left or the right side. The other causes of kidney pain can be the direct impact a recent penetrating/blunt trauma may have had on the area. Such cases are called the lacerated kidney. If a woman is pregnant and experiences these issues, she should immediately consult her doctor. Symptoms of kidney pain can include fever, painful urination, flank pain, and nausea or vomiting. Other causes of back pain on the right side can be the following: Appendicitis The small tube that is attached to the large intestine and is sitting in the lower right side of the body is called the appendix.
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