A Guide to Using Hydrogen Peroxide For Treating Toenail Fungus
It is quite hard to deal with nail fungus. It starts off as a yellow blemish and spreads to the entire nail if it is left untreated. It can cause discomfort, pain, and tenderness. Many home remedies can help you treat this issue, and the most popular item among them is hydrogen peroxide. Why is hydrogen peroxide effective at treating toenail fungus? Hydrogen peroxide is a household item that is applied to sanitize minor injuries and wounds. Its antifungal properties destroy the fungus, allowing the broken part of your nails to grow back again. This liquid has numerous applications as an antiseptic, disinfectant, oxidizer, bleaching agent, and as an antifungal agent. Depending on the severity of the infection, you can restore your nails within weeks or months with constant use of hydrogen peroxide. To prevent further fungal infections, it is advised to keep practicing this therapy for a few months even after your nail has recovered. Even though there aren’t many scientific studies proving the effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide for treating toenail fungus, several people have tried and tested this home remedy. Here are some treatments for toenail fungus that use hydrogen peroxide: Soak your feet in a hydrogen peroxide solution You will require 3% hydrogen peroxide, distilled water, plastic tub, and tissues for this method. Stir equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and distilled water in a plastic tub. Make sure that the hydrogen peroxide that has a concentration of 3% or less, otherwise it may damage your skin. Dip the infected nails in this solution and wait for 30 minutes until they are soaked. Wipe and dry your nails with a tissue. Make sure that the affected nails are dry before you cover them. Repeat this method every day, even after the problem subsides. Getting relief from nail fungus is not that simple and will require a lot of patience and persistence.
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